The Falmouth Heritage Museum - Post-Pandemic
Our volunteers often came across accounts of the 1918 "Spanish Flu" pandemic while researching local and family history. Before 2020, we wondered what it must have been like to live through such a pandemic. We were shocked by the political drama over issues such as mask wearing and closures. Now we know what it is like to live through a pandemic that brings severe illness, widespread death, and major disruption to our nation and communities. According to Maine CDC, there 2,368 cases of Covid in Falmouth--one out of every five residents. We hope that the virus continues to wane. May a pandemic not visit us again for at least another century.
Why does the Society still encourage masks and social distancing in the Museum?
We don't require the wearing of masks in the Museum but the safety of our volunteers and visitors is paramount. Masks are not necessary outdoors or in the barn.
If you have any questions, please contact us at (207) 781-4727 or info@thefhs.org.